Unlock your wealth:

Book a Discovery Call

Your Journey Begins Here - Ignite Your Path to Financial Freedom and Wealth Creation

Fast-Track Your Growth with Liviti's Key to Financial Success

During your Discovery Call, we'll tailor a personalised blueprint to maximise your wealth through strategic property investments. From high-yield opportunities to growth-focused strategies, we're here to align your goals with success in real estate. Your financial freedom starts with a simple consultation.

Strategic Investment

Our unique approach

With our deep understanding of the property landscape, we have built an extensive network of professionals. These experts meticulously handle the groundwork, research, and communication necessary to identify cost-effective properties. Rest assured, these properties offer exceptional potential for optimal returns.

By connecting all the essential professionals in one place, we streamline the property buying process, providing you with comprehensive and tailored solutions. With our unique approach, you can confidently navigate the market, knowing that all your needs are met efficiently and effectively.

How We Help

We help you build wealth without the hassle of spending months on research, spending weekends at

inspections or spending $15k on Buyers Agents

Education &


By investing time in getting acquainted with your unique circumstances and financial objectives, we can provide you with guidance and effective strategies to fast track your goals.



We have fostered relationships with mortgage brokers and non-bank lenders that will assist in structuring the best home loan for your circumstances and property goals.

Strategy & Property Selection

We firmly believe that every property serves a purpose in your journey to financial freedom. We prioritise thinking two or three steps ahead, aligning your personalised strategy with the right properties to accelerate your journey.

Support & Portfolio Management

From the moment you are ready to purchase, our client care team are their to support you through to settlement. From then on, our Portfolio Managers will closely monitor your properties progress and growth to ensure you stay on track towards your goals.

Starting Strong With


Embarking on your investment journey shouldn't be a complex maze. With Liviti, you'll get simplified and effective guidance, ensuring your first step is both strong and confident.

Confused or


Do you find yourself in a state of confusion and overwhelm amidst the abundance of conflicting information on the internet? It's difficult to determine who to trust when it seems like everyone has their own agenda.

Can't Afford to Make

a Mistake

Do you feel overwhelmed by anxiety and a reluctance to take risks, especially when any mistake could have significant financial consequences? Are you struggling with a lack of confidence and knowledge, fearing the potential for making wrong choices?

Don't Know Where

to Buy

Are you interested in investing in properties outside of your current state or in a different town/city, but lack the knowledge and guidance on where and what to purchase?

No One Else Takes

Investing Seriously

Do you find yourself standing alone among your friends and family in your strong desire to pursue property investing for wealth creation? If so, are you in need of the necessary support, guidance, and a reliable team?

Want To Learn But Dont

Have Time

Do you want to expedite your journey to generating wealth and find yourself without the time to learn through trial and error? Do you highly value data and strive to reach your financial goals as quickly as possible?

Not Sure Who to


Have you come across numerous property advertisements on Facebook and YouTube? Have you already engaged in several "free consultations" with so-called "experts" and now crave genuine honesty and authenticity?

What You Get From Us

Education &


By investing time in getting acquainted with your unique circumstances and financial objectives, we can provide you with guidance and effective strategies to fast track your goals. Our approach is based on a well-established formula that has empowered thousands of individuals, like yourself, to lead life on their own terms.



If you don’t know where you are going, it’s hard to figure out how to get there, and it’s even harder to confidently take your next step.

The most successful property investors are those who are skilled in strategy, because without a short term and long term strategy, it’s difficult to ‘see the forest from the trees’ and consider the bigger picture.



Supply and demand are the backbone of economics. There is a mathematical science behind knowing which markets are out of balance and which are balanced.

We teach you how to use data to find periods of imbalance between supply and demand and how to use this to your advantage to select a suburb that is primed for price growth.



Finding suburbs with great growth potential is not the end of the process. You need to drill down on both the specific attractive pockets within suburbs and specific property attributes before committing to a purchase.

You’ll learn how to methodically research where to buy within a particular suburb, and how to purchase an exceptional asset that sets you up for success.



We have fostered relationships with mortgage brokers and non-bank lenders that will assist in structuring the best home loan for your circumstances and property goals.

Our team is also educated and equipped to give you guidance on tax minimisation, SMSF planning and trust structuring.

We consider every option before recommending a solution.

Support & Portfolio


From the moment you are ready to purchase, our client care team are their to support you through settlement. From then on, our Portfolio Managers will closely monitor your properties' progress and growth to ensure you stay on track towards your goals, making recommendations on when you should sell, buy again or reinvest.

Client Success starts here.

Yours can too.

Purchased 2 properties with Liviti and

generated over $275K in equity in under

2 years

"Having dealt with Liviti for a few years now,

I know what they are telling me is straight."

David & Yvonne


3 properties valued at 1.8 million combined,

with over $200k in equity in less than

3 years

"We are not experts in this market but with

Liviti we can make a safe choice"

Sandra & George Castro

Customer Service and Builder

Purchased 1 property and generated $100k

in equity in under

12 months

"The team at Liviti put my needs first and

provided guidance and clarity"

Norm Hanna

Sales Associate

Our Services

Property Investment


Mortgage Broking

Finance & Legal

Financial Planning & SMSF

Tax & Personal Accounting







Take the first step to financial

freedom and contact us today

Our team is ready to take you through every step of a successful property investment journey.